Since almost 90% of sunscreens are created to only protect you from the effects of sun while you are at the beach, and people regularly only visit it during the Summer on whenever they travel on vacation, you end up with a sunscreen that will stay with you for a long time. What you don't realize is that they do expire, and they will likely be useless sooner if they contain water within their ingredients. If your sunscreen doesn't show an expiration date, it will probably expire 3 years after you purchased it, but if it contains H2O I would not trust it for longer than a year. Most importantly?, if you have had the same sunscreen for over a year, you are not doing it right. If you are not wearing a daily care cream to protect yourself from UV rays, you should use your sunscreen. To be fair, most hand, body and face sunscreens are not designed to protect you from all-weather conditions, EXCEPT for our own stars: Tropic Discovery's Daily Sunscreen/UV Protective Care Cream and Daily/After Care Moisturizer. You can wear both daily and feel better about your skin, the difference between one and the other is that our sunscreen has a stronger spectrum of protection on harsh weather conditions, and our daily/after care moisturizer is to give your skin the hydration it needs. Would like to purchase them? Subscribe to our mailing list and we will let you know when they are released!

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