Your dreams of visiting Hawaii some day might be shattered forever way sooner than expected. While living on Maui we encounter all the time people that share how it is that visiting Hawaii had been a true life dream, and for some it comes true sooner than later, but now it might just not come true at all.
According to Hawaii News Now -A startling new federal report released recently solidifies previous research that climate change will have devastating effects in Hawaii but warns there is even less time than previously thought to prepare for the effects.
A warming earth is exacerbating sea level rise and putting coastal communities at risk, reducing water supply and increasing water demand, and threatening the state’s native species and marine ecosystems by 2060, 38 miles of major roads would be chronically flooded, nearly 550 Hawaiian cultural sites flooded, and more than 6,500 structures and 25,800 acres of land near the shoreline would be unusable or lost, displacing roughly 20,000 residents. So even though some people leading our government deny the awful impact that has our excessive consumption of fossil fuels is ruining the only planet we will ever know, IS A REALITY AND WE MUST BE MINDFUL OF EVERY THING WE DO.
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